June 16, 2022
Giving good light

I’ve been encouraged and challenged this week by Philippians 2:14-15. I read it Monday morning, and it has stuck with me. It says, “Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” This is what struck me:
When a person’s heart is rooted in gratitude and humility, they don’t grumble and dispute. They aren’t easily offended. But because of indwelling sin nature, the human heart is naturally given to grumbling, complaining, being offended & overly sensitive, self-centered, and disputing in an immature way.
Therefore, Christians don’t “shine in the world” automatically.
Christians have a sin nature like any other person. What makes a Christian shine is when they are so rooted in the Gospel of Jesus, so committed to walking in gratitude and humility, that they don’t grumble and complain, aren’t easily offended and overly sensitive, aren’t self-centered, and don’t dispute in an immature way.
This world can be very crooked and twisted, and if we want to deny that, we have to overlook vast tracts of world history. People around us need refreshing light.
That light radiates from Christ, and it shines when a Christian “does all things without grumbling or disputing” because there is nothing more sadly natural than for us to maunder through life with insecure hearts and sensitive egos, complaining and grumbling about work or people or problems, and being quick to immaturely dispute about trifling things.
We can shine refreshing light, and we should. Praise God for his new mercies and fresh forgiveness in Christ each morning.