September 9, 2024

2024 Men’s Retreat Final Details

It’s not too late to REGISTER for the Men’s Retreat, if you haven’t yet! It’s only $10, and it’s for men and their boys who are 5th grade and older. Here are the event details:

Friday September 13th
*Eat dinner (or bring dinner) before coming out*
5:30pm – Earliest arrival
7:00pm – Set up tents. Frisbee, football, hanging out, catching up
7:30pm – Get Firepits going
8:00pm – Facundo teaches (Pastor from Uruguay)
8:45pm – Prayer breakouts
9:00pm: Grilled meat over firepits & late-night hangout

Saturday September 14th
8:00am – Breakfast
9:00am – Morning walk through Kalven’s land
9:30am – Yard games
11:00am – Retreat ends

Packing List
Tent (or sleep in the open)
Sleeping bag / Hammock
Cot / Sleeping mat / pillow
Walking / hiking shoes
Any snacks you want to bring
Balls / frisbees / yard games, etc.
Bug Spray
Layers for cooler weather at night
Lawn chairs to sit around the firepit

12376 NW 50th St.
Potwin, KS 67123

$10 – Drop in offering box or give online